economic growth potential Tag

New Mexico is moving up in the ranks of states for millennials to live, according to WalletHub—all the way from last place to second to last place! The penultimate spot does not tell the whole story, though. Albuquerque is a pretty great place for millennials, in fact. The low cost of living, proximity to gorgeous outdoor scenery and recreation, and rich culture contribute to a high quality of life. The burgeoning film and tech industries are...

Albuquerque ranks in the top ten large-size metro areas in the country for economic development potential, according to site selector publication Business Facilities. It’s a great time to buy a business in Albuquerque—or sell a business and move on to the next Big Thing! Albuquerque was ranked ninth. Topping the list were Atlanta, GA and San Antonio, TX. In a recent Albuquerque Business First article, reporter Collin Krabbe writes: "'Albuquerque has a foothold in very high-tech industries,’...