11 Apr Why Confidentiality Matters
Typically business buyers contact us after first seeing our listings posted on our site or one of the other major internet businesses for sale portals, such as the SunbeltNetwork.com, BizQuest.com or BizBuySell com.
Before providing specific information regarding the businesses that we list, we always ask you to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA). The purpose of the NDA is protect the business for sales’ confidential on-market status. An NDA prevents you from revealing this status to competitors, employees, creditors and others in the community. In other words, it protects the business. By showing your willingness to do just this, you are already establishing good will in the relationship and you will learn of New Mexico and southern Colorado business and investment opportunities that you would otherwise not come across.
If you are indeed seriously inquiring about purchasing the business, it ultimately protects your future investment as well.