What Happens During Training and Transition


After the purchase is complete, one of your top priorities will likely be to ensure a smooth transition. In all but a few rare instances, the seller will assist during this phase. With their help, you will be able to learn the intricacies of the business, and the Seller’s presence will also provide much needed stability. Your regular customers will feel comfortable, and employees – who might already be fretting about their job security – will feel reassured by the consistency.

Not to say that you can’t put your own signature style on your business; it’s simply proven wise to resist making immediate sweeping changes. In this instance, less is more.

The transition period offers you the opportunity to observe, evaluate and clarify the new direction, if any, you wish to take your business. You can download and print SGA’s Tips for a Smooth Transition for further guidance on how to make best use of the training and transition phase.