Profitable Retail Business Specializing in Amenities for the Home

Profitable Retail Business Specializing in Amenities for the Home

Price: $1,250,000

Location: Santa Fe & North Central Region, New Mexico

Industry: Retail & Wholesale

Listing ID: Santa Fe Showrooms

Based in Santa Fe’s vibrant downtown area, this business boasts two elegantly-appointed and welcoming showrooms. With a rich history spanning over three decades, it has been dedicated to providing distinctive and exquisite architectural elements for residential spaces. Esteemed builders, architects, and designers in the region turn to this business for its meticulously curated complementary products and top-tier design services. It plays an indispensable role in helping to create upscale homes in Santa Fe and beyond.

As of October 2023, this business had already generated close to $400K in total owner’s benefit.


Listing Details

Revenue: $2,269,565

Cash Flow: $428,302

FFE: $50,000 (Included in Price)

Inventory: $20,000 (Included in Price)

Real Estate:$400,000 (Not Included in Price)

Reason For Sale:

Seller is moving out of state for family reasons.

Training & Support:

Seller will provide up to four weeks of training at no cost to the buyer. Further details to be negotiated.


Year Established: 1992

Owner Hours Per Week: 40

Employees: 7 FT


Square Footage: 6740

Relocatable?: No

Facilities Information:

The showrooms have been extensively remodeled to show the wares to best effect.



These two showrooms represent a powerhouse in Santa Fe’s Design/Build community, offering a complimentary range of products that are not readily found elsewhere.

Potential Growth:

The business has enjoyed steady revenue and profitability. More recent improvements and growth opportunities will be shared upon receipt of a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Confidential Buyer Proifle

Michael Greene
126 E. De Vargas Street, Santa Fe NM 87501

Click to Fill Out Our NDA